Wednesday, 15 October 2014

38 Life Affirmations Of Every 27 Year Old Woman

Taking inspiration from Hannah Gale, I wanted to make my own lists of stuff related to the everyday thoughts of the averagely atypical female (see what I did there). Starting with the subject noted in the title. I also wanted to do this before I turn 28 tomorrow as 27 sounds a million years younger in comparison. 
38 Life Affirmations Thoughts Of Every 27 Year Old Woman
  1. Your everyday casual clothes doubles up as your night outfit. 
  2. The only difference between aforementioned outfit is the color of your lipstick (or eyeshadow depending on your mood). 
  3. Asking, "who is he/she/they" when you hear people five years younger than you discussing new music.
  4. 22 years olds do not just seem like a different generation, they are of an entirely different species. 
  5. You have amalgamated into your parents much earlier than you initially anticipated. 
  6. Your interest in gardening/holistic lifestyles/being self-sustaining has also began early than you thought. 
  7. You maniacally buy incense in every scent as you do not want to run out. The house does not feel clean without it. 
  8. Buying new furniture gives you same satisfaction as 19 year old you had when buying shoes and lip gloss. 
  9. Vogue and Cosmopolitan have been replaced with Good Housekeeping and Psychology Today. 
  10. You still buy Vogue but the pages do not even see the light of day. 
  11. Chat, Take A Break, and That's Life prominently feature throughout your home. 
  12. You smell every candle fragrance in the shop and are unnecessarily vocal about good it is and how it smells exactly like its' namesake. 
  13. One pot dinners.
  14. You are becoming a DIY fanatic and posting your projects online. 
  15. You remind yourself that hurtling towards 30 is not as bad as you imagine. Fairuza Balk, Zooey Deschanel and Lizzy Caplan are still really cool and that makes you feel better about your age/status. 
  16. Your mum always said that women should lighten their hair as they become older. Your hair is brown. You panic. Ah, now, wait - Fairuza Balk, Zooey Deschanel and Lizzy Caplan are still really cool.
  17. Being organised gives you great pleasure. 
  18. You secretly still love buying new stationary at the beginning of every academic year. 
  19. Binge-watching The Walking Dead/House Of Cards/Dexter is better than a night out. 
  20. You would rather have a sweetie party with your husband and parents than be at an actual party.
  21. Your mum and dad both own i-Phones and you own one from a Japanese brand whose name you cannot pronounce. 
  22. Your parents are cooler than you. Fact.
  23. You appreciate everything that happens to you and everyone in your life.
  24. Reminding yourself that the flower simply blooms in the garden and does not notice any other flowers. 
  25. You have only ever been to Starbucks twice and got your friend to order because you did not know the lingo. 
  26. Herbal teas are your thing. 
  27. You mind-applauded Matthew McConaughey's 2014 Oscar acceptance speech.
  28. You mind-applauded Jim Carrey's Commencement Speech for Maharishi University.
  29. You want to frame both speeches.
  30. Christmas shopping in September. Next year it will be August.
  31. You lead a double life. One that follows Unif, LimeCrime, Shoe Bakery and Jeffrey Campbell on Instagram and the other that follows Home Goods, Sustainable Table, Circa Houses and Baking Brothers. 
  32. Part of you will never grow up as you still like being in your jammies, watching Disney movies and going to the playpark. 
  33. Accepting grey hairs as wisdom highlights gives you a new found sense of appreciation for each one. 
  34. Recreating Dairy Queen desserts at home is like finding The Holy Grail. 
  35. You have recently ordered a candle-making set.
  36. Your dream to be a supermodel has been replace by your dream to write a family recipe book. 
  37. A life without discount stores seems slightly unfulfilled.
  38. Your 27 year old selfies look just as good as your 17 year old ones. Thank God for filters and PicMonkey.